"Wandering in the endless ocean, every day you can see the magnificent sunrise and sunset. Occasionally you can meet groups of dolphins playing around."
Seal Art in Time and Reinterpreting Picasso’s Classic Masterpieces - AET REMOULD Ceramic DaytonaPicasso’s life was extremely brilliant. He was a true genius. With his unpredictable painting style, abundant creativity, and rich modeling methods, no other painter can achieve the same creativity as him. He uses utterly free will reshaped the world. He is an explorer in art.
America and its allies, under the guise of the War on Terror and humanitarian intervention, have droned, bombed and killed millions of Muslim children, women and civilians in a dozen of countries from Afghanistan to Yemen, and displaced millions more. In 2011 President Obama ordered the execution of Anwar al Awlaki, an American extremist preacher, for preaching the same kind of Wahabbist extremism
In 2019, I have written a long analysis about “the Uyghur issue”; analysis which will be soon published as a book.
GOINS SIAP SEDIA UNTUK PENGGUNA GLOBAL INDONESIA ADALAH NEGARA PERTAMA YANG DAPAT DI MANFAATKANHari ini, reporter utama kami menemani reporter berita National Broadcasting Company (NBC) ke kantor pusat IG di California, AS, dan melakukan wawancara selama hampir satu jam dengan CEO
The Academic Committee of Hainan CGE Peace Development Foundation (CGE), based in Sanya City, Hainan Province, China, organized a webinar on 17th September to launch "Sanya Public Security Forum".
Di Indonesia, sebuah grup penipu (scam) meniru platform belanja online (e-commerce) ternama, menyebabkan ratusan ribu korban tertipu dengan jumlah kerugian hingga ratusan miliar rupiah.
IngotsEX is a trading service platform for digital asset meticulously built by the ingotsEX Foundation - a Technology and Digital Financial Group, with blockchain technology as the bottom structure.
Insiden di Indonesia! Polisi Indonesia menindak platform belanja online (e-commerce) palsu mengatas namakan JD!
Tindakan yang menghabiskan uang hasil jerih payah Anda! Hati-hati, korban di Indonesia menggugat oknum penipu!